When should someone living with dementia make the transition into a care home?
23 May 2022
Those living with Dementia can often live a full and well-supported life at home, however this is dependent on the help that can be provided by family and other carers. As a result, there often comes a time when the decision needs to be made to move the person living with Dementia into a care home, so that they can receive the level of support and medical assistance they need.
This can be a very difficult decision to make. Often those caring for the individual at home feel that they are failing or letting that person down in some way. However, the decision to move someone living with Dementia into a Care Home on a long-term residential basis should be taken when it’s in the best interests for all the people concerned.
“The important thing to realise is that the move into a care home that provides specific Dementia care will significantly improve the quality of life for the person living with the condition,” says General Manager, Ross Bijak, who facilitates Dementia training at Cramond Residence. “For example, the range of therapeutic activities and the high level of personal care we offer allow those with Dementia to lead as fulfilling and rich a life as possible, in a safe and friendly atmosphere. Residential care also lets the loved ones of someone living with Dementia have lots of quality time with them, rather than being stressed and worried by day-to-day care issues.”
From the individuals’ point of view, the time to make the transition to residential care is often the point at which they can no longer receive the care and support they need at home (even if nurses and other carers are visiting to provide at-home assistance). Obviously, if a person is living independently and has nobody who can help care for them, they will need to think about moving into a care home at an earlier point within their journey than someone who has a good care support network to help them.
For those caring for the individual (for example, spouses, friends and family), the ‘right time’ is often the point at which they feel that they cannot provide the level of support required, or when they feel they themselves can no longer cope, or if caring is having an impact on their own health or mental well-being.
If things are getting too much, then one solution can be a short-term respite break in a care home. At Cramond Residence, the team welcomes the opportunity to assist in this way. Respite breaks can be really supportive on their own and, when taken frequently, can lead to a smooth transition into long-term residential care and support.
Are you worried about Dementia or caring for someone living with the condition? Come and enjoy an afternoon in the garden at Cramond Residence on the 18th June and get all your questions answered. For full details click here. To register your interest, email: enquiries@cramondresidence.co.uk
Discover more about the specialist Dementia Care services offered at Cramond Residence.